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(rip chat or lag?)

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((Rip chat for sure
(i'm just lurking)
if i could kill everyone who could help ........ one by one i wouldnt have to worry about a coalition forming against me
*Watches silently*
(heya Del)
((I'm still pretty curious about the colours
It is your morales that make ones soul strong , if you ditch your morales i will lose intrest in it , however if you stick by your morales despite no consiquences it will only make me want your soul even more...(hey del this is just my response that never sent)
((Like what counts as a colour and what doesn't? Is copper a colour? What about gold? What are the limits?
But whom sould be my first target , someone powerful......but not someone who i cant handle once i attack and kill the first target it will alarm all the others
((1/2 good enough-
*finished the activation pod for drago* 1 robot done 1 pod 1 more to go *making the robot for drago then the activation pod for the omega combat robot*
(i'ma go live so brb in like 60-90 minutes)
(back from unsaid & okay) "..." *Thinking back on what July said* ". . ."
so how about it?
*after lot of building flower sleeps next to drago due to tiredness*
"..." *He stands up and turns to July* [blue]"...I'll do it..."[/blue]
(I don't know how to do the color change for text. :/)
v3 v zzzzzzzzz
((Del you have to do [color= and then add the color

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23