(back) "You don't give up, do you?" *He pulls out his sword*
*He spins it in his hand* "Maybe you should," *He stops spinning it and points it at April* "while you still can."
(wb)..... *to self* of course she not gonna fucking give up it's april we're talking about *to self* *walks*..... meh we needed a break after what happened yesterday
"You don't even remember me. I'm hurt. Maybe this will clue you in." *He vanishes, appears behind her and kicks her...HARD..from behind, sending her flying forward*
*Del's eyes turn normal and he slowly walks towards April* "We have fought before, but never one-on-one."
"You probably don't even remember it, and I can't explain it myself..."
"...the name is Del, if that rings any bells." *Still walking slowly towards April*
*He cleaves the bullet in half quickly*
*sensing a fight between april and del but due to the burns she not gonna worry about it as she continues to walk*
"...that was rude of you..." *He looks to her, now just a few feet away* "I was just introducing myself." *Spires if pure, hardened ice launch at April from all sides, threatening to skewer her into a bloody mess unless if she can act quickly*
*the ice turns into nothing but dust before they hit her*
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23