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wern who?

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now i know you're a faker
*He walks to the training room door, turning to face April* "How is it fine?!"
i wouldn't hurt my friends heartless or not
>.~.< z-zel scared...
so who are you?!
future flower:I STILL NOT LETTING YOU DO THAT ECHO JESUS/future exe:uhhh trying to kill someone?? come on we gotta go/real flower:*noticed multiple future people* WHAT THE HELL IS EVEN HAPPENING!?!!? and *noticed zel* why??
*future echo
*hugs flower with little nubs tight crying alot*
(flower just ease drop on echo and future echo talking due to hearing that XD)
time clash
dad I feels so scard
b-bates fell over on zzel by mistake coughing b-blood his skin looking diffrent zel is so scared! ;O;
but i am you echo you don't know yourself
don't worry floweriel this will be fine...
but i... what?
she was talking to me in my mind , told me vital information and then did that so i wouldnt ask any questions
*crys a lot*
you don't KNOW yourself!
you just think you do like i did

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23