Oh you like to play god too huh WELL LETS PLAY *ALSO DOSENTNBOTHER RED*
*mind:the second i strike her back someone will sense her getting hurt and i cant deal with that*
(i love how overexagerated your getting she hasnt even fought back yet also wb)
*mind:She cant fight back so i guess i can fight all i want*
"I need to make this quick..." *Walks into the castle*
*mind:i can stall her out , wait for their energy to go to waste and then flee.*
Tp blocks and locks her in place(she truly cant move now)
*she magic locks herself and then undoes it* trying to imbolize me eh?
*Del walks from room to room, moving slowly and carefully so as to not wake anybody else up*
*she takes out two tiny pure black guns and hops ontop of a tree and begins firing* (the bullets deal more dmg the more hp you have)
Your fast huh.fast,but not fast enough sees that all my ocs are surronding her theres 33
*went home into jack kingdom* .. *as munching an apple* *sighs*
*mind:i knew it was only a matter of time before a coalition appeared*
Now april, T E L L M E H O W P R O B A B L E T H I S I S Y O U B I T C H
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23