Ya-ya:oh jack tour back wheres mia?*walks over to him*
*it keeps everyone out*ya-ya:oh no...this is bad...
*it doesnt work and everyone slowly starts to forget about mia even jack*
(Did you forget about the spell? It doesnt matter what they are it still works)
(Bc mia and jack have marks now they are connected so if it happens to mia it happens to mia olny if is every every bad)
(No bc something happend and she forgeting things and people)
(Thats just how this tape of shit works ok?! I looked it the fuck up)
I'm just asking what to do now. That's my only reason for being there, and without those memories, I'm trapped there.
(Nexus has mias fire magic ask him to use memory fire and that will help)
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23