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*jumps off the tree and attempts to strike ashly in the back , she immediatly throws the half eaten apple at dels face*
Ummm mia and her husband and eve and her boyfriend
*did it again to remove claws and shows the team the ruby beast*.... *eyes glows ruby*
*Catches the apple and jumps between April and Ashly, using the apple to block the hit XD*
*she jumps backwards and she throws another dagger at each of their heads*
*vanishes and appears back and grabs the daggers and throws them back*
*He moves the apple fast enough to get both knives stuck in it*
*tp to the fight as the ruby beast*..
(... Welp, I just scared the shit out of myself.)
*looks scared and s.w keep ashly safe and his growling*
(and how is that Jack)
*she moves fast enough to dodge them and kick del down*
(XD why did you went "suprise mother fucka" on your self?).....
(I went to bed at 6 am and woke up at 7;30 pm... )
*He dodges the kick barely, then back flips to beside of Ashly, pulling out his sword*
*grabs the leg and breaks it to dust and throws april to the pool of acid as flower the ruby beast turn black=battle mode on.* (oh)
*puts on his scientist cloak and surrounds Ashly with a barrier and shoots April with a dynamic blaster*
(So, wtf is going on?)
"Leave Ashly ALONE!"

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23