maybe that wasnt your fate in the first place
*she quickly flies down and hides under a tree* ...
well it did for me..july...Ida how but it did...maybe I was the timeline who does not get a happy ending...
what the?? *looks at where she sensing someone near*..... oh you gotta be kidding me.. *noticed ramona under a tree*
.. she looked scared hmm wonder why. *to self*
im the only version of myself no matter what timeline
....*she sat down...I mean people where hunting her so-*
*has no weapons* *mind:hmm idk if i should encounter her.. i mean she might run off*
*she pokes her head under the tree and looks up at flower. she notices she is unarmed so she flies up
*smiles* plus im probably older than you are
*mind:actually my real question is how did she got here?? maybe flew or teleported here..*
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23