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Knocks out jack*

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(*grab a rpg* NOW IK YOUR LYIN COME HERE *turns into mr x with a rocket launcher*
*gets out of U.O.E*
*keeps throwing knifes and swords and spears at him *)
well that was a nice fight
but i've got one last trick...
Shoots at echo
rolled 1d6 and got a natural 1.

Note: 3 5 6

and its a good one
*gets back up* . . .
*runs faster*
*uses a controled supernova on red*
*Keeps hugging Ashly, but now instead of doing it to comfort her, he's doing it to ensure himself the same will never happen to her*
*dice roll*
rolled 2d10 and got a natural 16.
7 9

Note: 17 and over it hits for 10000

(*shoots morgan with rpg*)
Same here and it will be the end for you
rolled 2d10 and got a natural 17.
7 10

Note: Over 17 and 999999 hp dealt

*catches the rpg shot and yeets it back at flowey*
(*turn into nightmare tyrant and catches it*)

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23