"I was boutta sugges' that." *The 3 are suddenly in a dark void with little light, and Axis is standing there, facing the group*
*Blade starts to try and speak to Axis, who cuts him off* "I've heard enough of your yammering while you were out there to know what's going on here. You." *He looks to July* "What do you get out of helping them?"
My ultimate Goal is to exterminate all the Infaversal Guardians
I kill april and i finally finish off their bloodline
"Very well. Since these nimrods I hired would probably lose to her alone, you can help them take her down, and you get another step closer to completing your goals. This is a no-lose situation for any of us, then. Welcome aboard, Exilia."
Ah *puts her arms around Blade and Lance* its been a while since i had a team
Holy F*** a wild del seen outside of his natural habitat
". . ." *He just walks into the training room and semi-slams the door behind him*
(seeing as nothing in the nsfw chat is canon )
"...hey..." *He summons a clone and beats the sh*t out of it with brutally powerful magic*
(he was sleeping not getting f****d by ashly)
(shoots the de canon gun at the chat* now its not)
"Whenever you all get the opportunity, I guess."
Del: ". . .things just got a little awkward. . ." *He says as he backs off of the clone*
Del: ". . .things just got a little awkward. . ." *He says as he backs off of the clone*
*Looks into his soul* oh. . . OH *looks away*
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23