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would've come sooner but i was in a tournament
*goes to the Abyss and hides somewhere deep within it, locking his soul away, and putting his body in a sort of stasis*
with red jack and del
*tp outside in the void to released some stress* (warning ear rape 3 2 1) DAMN IT WHY DOES THIS SHIT ALWAYS HAPPENED TO US 1ST FIGHTS NOW THIS!?!? GOD FUCKING DAMN IT! *is really angry as hell and slashed a nightmare tyrant to the pool of acid*
(Jesus Christ thats a huge Text.......)
all this hatred and darkness clouding all of you except echo
(but hey at least i gave you guys warning)
You know there is a way to revive her
(XD shadow gave flower a idea i was like 'OWO yes.' XD)
Tps to flower oof*
ok the earape is npotjing to me
*uses magic to tp red out and makes sure no one enters till shes calm down*
*tps to red*hello there
Who are you
(trust me no one well like to see when flower this mad so my highest suggestion is to let her cool off) *is turning but trying to calm down to stop it*

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23