*is now holding the imperium sword to her chest*
*wakes up and gets up slowly trying to not wake Eve and falls to the floor making a loud noise* Shit
(. . . Ummm. . . I may have ducked myself over here...)
(Well. . . Mia is now a mute. And her voice is the only way to wake him up.)
Mia:ββπβππβππβ*means*where is jack? I heard him but i couldn't wake up *
.... i'l go find him *turned into a shadow and try to get to jack's location*
I got this too using this the voice copy technique
*she would appear near a large black bubble, and a black cage with a gray soul inside*
Beware the mia who speaks in handsππππ)
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23