oh uh... why glitch again...
Mia:👌✊✌✋👆👉👋👉👈👆👊✊👌✌*means*thats fucking weird red.........
*her hair turns gray and shes emotionless befor he said that*....
Better if i just show you then *grabs Eves hand and tps to Mia*
Tps to jacks soul and songs mias favorite song in her voice still*
what the hell *walks to the gate where jack's soul is*
Mia:✊✌✊*means*EVE!*runs to her and tackle hugs her*/!!!!*they both fall on the ground *
*his soul is completely bleached of all color, just pure grey*
(Wait bc eve is mia's twin and they almosy exactly sound the same can i use eve to wake jack up?)
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23