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? *her eyes suddenly turn red* !

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??? *noticed mia on him*
Perhaps I Can Help.
thanks flower....I'm gonna go now...
I need noodles ;-;
(alright rv)
Mia:👌✊✌👋👉✋👏👎*,means*ashly!*hugs her*/MIA !*crys and hugs her back*
Welp i'ma head back to the cave *tps back to the cave*
*diac is now gone and all that remains is April and her New Sword* *She looks down at it and grins* (shes right behind you guys by the way)
try to say glitch star shadow...
*Smiles warmly* "Heh...sorry to intrude, Nightly, but Ashly never saw that Mia was alive, so..."
I Will Make Sure I Never Go Unheard of Ever Again!
? uhh glitch star shadow /nightly:it's cool
Is to shy to reveal themselves *
.................*mind:THOSE A******S They Still prefer to ignore me after that
(Wait, I thought Mia tped away.)
(No she tped nightly to her)
(and bs reborn i google it and it shows how to kill it but it has to be involved calling 911 therapy and Chemotherapy to remove cancer so) (and me 2 tbh but hey i ain't complaining mia alive jack well alright)

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23