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Ink Sans: What do you need?

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Ink Sans: its free *hands them the Ink flower*
(so that makes 5 flowers now we need to go to Nexuses dimension)
*the shop keeper hands them the Dream flower*
Flower. We are going to end you.
I personally like underlust only for the papyrus and Mtt ship
I gtg cya all in the morrning
(Back for unsaid )
(What I miss?
(so say bye to nightslayer cause she gonna be deleted)
(alright its done flowergirl can no longer be my character brb ima delete another)
It's cool. Don't worry, I've done it several times too.
*barely moves him* Nope. Nice try. *punches at him with incredible speed for such heavy armor*
oh yea btw tomorrow im quitting the website btw cause well 1 it normally dies out to quickly 2 i need to return the laptop after 6 days i might return)
(and ten if you wanna friend angel flower go ahead)
(and till bates cool down with the negitivity about flowergirl snapping i might return ether that i need a break from this website but i might return after 6 days if not longer)
(so cya guys idk if i wanna return after this drama with bates and flower)
(k... Cya...)

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23