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"OW! LET GO OF MY EAR YOU JERK!" *Trying to squirm free, eventually giving up and facing April* "...Hello April..."

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*Past Del squeezes his ear tighter* "OW! WHAT THE HECK DUDE?!"
"I said politely."
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*lays down on his bed and falls asleep*
"...I hope you enjoy your stay here, and I hope that we can start off on the right foot and become friends..." *He kind of grumbles this*
*Pinches his ear harder* "Speak up."
*has a filp flop *past.....😁
*spread glitching wings* sorry is it hurts your eyes
t-thank you i can move but i have several weapons and im afraid of getting cut
it have a bit glitch
"Do I have to repeat myself?" *Past Del gives him commanding look* "Fine..." "...April, I hope you enjoy your stay here and that we can get past you trying to kill me and Ashly several times and become friends..." *Del pushes Past Del away from him, freeing his ear as he does so* "Now get off me."
*Del actually sounded like he meant those words this time.*
*seriously she is heaviliy armed someone should take her weapons away* Ill be staying here?

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23