Heh. . . I'm not using it yet. But I will soon. Don't worry about it. WE AREN'T LOSING THIS!
*throws the knife high into the air* It was nice knowing ya. But, this ends now. *it streaks back down, and he catches it, now Cross'es knife*
*Vanishes and some more invisible slashes start to target Jack from each side*
I wanted to make a fun oc that can hang out with like Jack and Mia and del and flower and stuf....)
*somehow knows where they are and starts blocking them last second*
This is only delaying the inevitable! . . . Alright. Fine, you win... I'll use IT.
*Del appears above Jack and before he can react slashes him with the knife, stunning him for long enough for a small volley to strike him*
*Del vanishes, appearing on the ground directly below where he was*
*a blast of black reflects them all back* (Confronting Yourself(Resastered) begins playing )
*the Chara fades, replaced with... Something. . . You can't make it out, and something feels. . . WRONG. INCREDIBLY WRONG...*
*turns to face him, both eyes blazing with black flames*
*grins* I'd watch yourself if I was you... *Del gets hit for a hell of a lot of damage from behind him*
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23