*is outside shaking rapid crying badly* *mind:flower cmon u have to tell them* *back with the bosses*hate:h-heh *uses magic to revive there items*/hate:hahahah *T.B.C on the bosses*
*tps to the Palace and grabs the two vials, then to the Abyss and grabs the body of a Vessel, then back* alright...
*bates slowly passes Jack's soul to a temmie makeing a derp face* absorb it .w. *the temmie slowly walks away from bates
*flower eyes glows dark black which means her final fight is about to begin and flower and exe and team exe about to be free from this fight*
*fills the tub, dumps two of the vials in, one white, the other black, then cuts himself and let's blood drop into it* Bates... Who did this soul belong to?I
... m y f i n a l f i g h t b e g i n s. .
I'm positive its empty just the shell might do something idk i never used a empty shell beffore..
*Del lifts his head up, staring at Blade. His eyes are a lifeless..empty...black* "What...do you...want?"
I mostly just put magic in to empty shells and they show no effects to a person or thing... but the way our doing it idk..
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23