Dude, for me, it is better. My life sucks. I game and rp to get away from this living hell.
....... no it isn't gaming can mess with you brain and make you dumber
From Gaming too much my mother put a Fucking time limit on my Gaming time And now i have strait A's so gaming messes with yer mind
And getting no sleep messes with your mind even more..........
I am the worst math student in living memory. And no it doesnt. You just focus on getting home and gaming more. In my case, it helps. When I cant, my grades drop. STRESS FOR THE WIN!!
I have a few friends. Not many tho. You guys are like half of them. I'm more like an attraction at the circus to the entire senior class...
Everyone acts nice to me, but only because they find my need to call a certain teacher out on her constant buckshot funny.
Have mild, subconsious depression b/c of all the shit from my family. My dad's side hates my mom, except for my granfather, and my family in general that I currently live with hates me.h
I also have a multi-faceted personality. Most of my emotions are like completely different versions of me.
Hell, I've been scared myself a few times, seeing a more insane side of me. When I'm alone and angry over something, I occasionally kind of lose it for a few minutes where I can't stop laughing over everything, or pointing out to myself the faults of the person that made me angry.
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23