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LOKI! *rips off his mask*
*Appears in a burst of flames*
morey:...fuck *lets go of tim and his eyes turn green with pink in them and smiles*
(Fun Fact:Akechi is cool and he gets two personas)
Oh boy...
evander:wait wait im wearing the wrong hat *makes the cap disapper and puts on a black magicians hat with a purple ribbon on it
oh its just you two *puts on his mask and desummons Loki*
evander:WOO SO MUCH BETTER *-*
evander:wait who's that dushbag with the mask..
Yeah it's fine Mr.Pancakes, and get evander!
awwww but Timmy your awesome *-*
scared ill bite *grins and abit of pink magic appers on him*
or do you...fear me
evander:pfff im just kidding :P
How have you been evander?
evander:why do you hate me soooo much...
I don't..but ok
nani the fuck

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23