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she's half dead so magic should not hit her..

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dude you hit her with her own magic chains..
zel has to use sleep patch on you...
he heard Anthony talk and started to walk over to it
*continues exploring*
to be honest...I could not tell if it's you or crazy in control you acted less crazy and more your self...
zel was so confused..l
Yeah...yeah..he kept lisening for the voice is ushally me tho...when that hate sinks in...I feel...more alive....and I don't like it...I do actions i dont want to do but with the hate...I want to do stuff that I would never do...
*sensing tim following* what the??
that's confusing...
what's Tim doing
*uses magic string to quickly pull him back to him
I heard someone...
No idea *suddenly behind del wearing his Red mask*
*One letter differance hurts Big Brain
heya *to anthony*/aj aka anthony:Oh hi dad/find anyone???/aj:idk and i feel like someone following me cause ether that idk/oh
*gets up and goes to tim* what are you doing..

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23