Zack:*the one jack beat up lot is the real one and the copys go away*
(my oc flower:(╯ಠ⏠ಠ)╯︵ ┻━┻ REEEEEEEEEEEEEE don't Embarrassed meh again > : T PAPS!!/exe elizabeth:.../oc flower:exe no. don't ask the question.)
*stands over them, and picks them up by the front of his shirt* Hehhehheh... Now. . . What should we do with you..?
*Del jumps back through the way he came and starts to walk off*
(exe elizabeth:*ready to ask*/!!!!/exe:WHO IS A BETTER SHI- *got smacked* ow./flower:i warned you > : I) (._. *noticed the cat*)
*Del starts muttering to himself as he heads home*
im sorry i havent been acting as cheerful as when i got here in the first place
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23