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(Cosmo! *hug*
((Hi echo! *hugs back*
I'm actually super happy to see you(
((I'm happy to see you aswell :d
((And i fucked up the smiley face because i was typing too fast-
(I mean I had a rough day and-
(Haha iys okay
((Oh, well i'm glad that i can improve your mood!
(Anyways since you are here and I am here wanna rp? XD also hi jack
Howdy dee, howdy doo, it's the man with the stew.
((Also jack, go to sleep, your sleep deprivation is making you act weird-
(Jack are you okay? xD
Nah. That isn't sleep. It's a line I picked up.
((Every sleep deprived person claims their not sleep deprived-
(Cosmo btw I actually remember where we left off so hurray xX
(Jack some of your pick up likes are good but
(This...needs work

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23