hmmm *trying to find out the caused of the hate bleeding with the team during the fight and during the 1st round of the tourny* .. what the hell *to self*
*corrupted jasmine* (i am that tired wow)
*tps by jasmine *hey you said you needed me for something?
oh yea hold on i gotta find out something *still using the computer to find out the bleeding of hate during the fight with ixion*
*she knows he's lieing but doesnt do anything *alright....I'll bw outside the cave if you need me....*leaves*
*uses zoom in and jasmine noticed something gory and got up tp a trash can here and got sick in the trash can* wow rip guts alert
(i'm barely staying awake i'll be on later after i get sleep cya(
(can't me and my teachers doing online meeting)
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23