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i think they were knocked out due to be fused idk i never fuse in a long ass time ago
(I'm alive. What's going on?)
(team exe and flower got capture cover in hate and wounds so corrupted jasmine viol mal *aka mia and eve* and nexus had to go save them before they decided to attack)
(and now mia and eve can not unfuse due to the attack right in the back)
(... Nvm, not ok)
(yup) flower:*trying to speak* a-angel w-where is he *coughs out hate* AGH
I wonder if you have to be at a certain hp for you to unfuse
perhaps very low or very high
okay who the hell is angel she keep speaking of?
perhaps someone who was taken along with them
or something that caused them no longer unfuse
*appears behind jasmine* BOO!/jasmine:!! *has a fire sword*/XD sorry *is covered in dragon blood*/corrupted jasmine:??? *noticed dragon blood*/a dragon was gonna attack so i came and save you guys from the dragon/jasmine:oh
. . . . . *puts her sword away*
*appears behind Mal* I'm bac-... Oh. Ok, what happened?
*trying to breath noticing jack* ...
*shes cover in blood* oh hi dad!
if you can tell by flower wounds and injuries team exe and flower got capture from solders from unknown location where i had to ask mia for help cause well i might be dead with out help and now mia and eve can not unfused and flower and team exe is badly hurt and hate
*to jack and angel*
well covered in hate but i glad they did not attacked us cause my god solders is enough

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23