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Mia:i know ..but I'll fine a way to change you back to normal ok?*picks him up*now hold on*taps her foot and the goups of girls and alex fall through the hole*

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do you like minecraft roleplays jack *-*
*slowly gets out origin z
*they are now in hell but are still falling *umm would be a good time to use tour new air powers!!!
(no what i mean know what one sec Jack
Mia:land over there
(I'll show you origin z *-* but this is the doctors side of the story *-*
(if you want to do any others go to Richie or panda idk but the doctors Sid is made by crazymtch x3
(this is minecraft rp of origin z crazymtches side of the story with the doctor
Mia:we are going to the ruins of qwens old.casyle so if the boys find us we have different places to hide
(in the description of the video is everyone else who's doing it xD
(so check out them instead if you want
Mia:hes at home
Mia:we are here*puts alex down*
Mia:alex if you can go with your farther but you cant come back to <a href="http://me.ok">me.ok</a>?

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23