(Brb i gotta go stop my bro before he kills himself with his 5 nooses
Like they act weird idk I keep hearing this word "love" I'm just dont know what it means!?
(No joke he's tried to to kill his self 22 times)
(hold on i gotta check out this single rp that sans showed ) oh it's a feeling if someone in love each other then they use that word so you must of hear jack calling mia "love"
(Im back,he tried. but i untied it and dragged him in here)
.-. i have no comments *to akio* all i gonna say is people fell in love each other like jack in love with mia so that maybe the reason why you keep hearing that word (._. jesus christ)
(....... uhhhh that went dark really fast)
*thinks for a second* so it means death... got it its request for death thanks! * turns invisible and walks away*
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23