WAIT, WHAT ARE YOU DOI- *vanishes, leaving behind a note*
HELLO!!!*has a rocket launcher* damn i'm to late ;A;!
*sensing a time machine be used incorrectly* !?!? *then noticed alex and mia and baby violet*???
"Mia... I'm sorry. If you are reading this, I messed up, and Exetior is free. I'll try to hold on and fight him, but it will only be a matter of time before he destroys me. You all have to fight back, and then try to purge him from me. There is a shrine of sorts in the mountains. I need you to lure him there, and activate the magic to begin trying to purge him from me once he's weakened. I'm sorry I failed you again... Please... Forgive me. -Jack"
*it has directions to the shrine and the spell needed under*
(It says that the account is Active Now, so she either fell asleep and left it running or is just unsaid brb)
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