". . .is that another thing I can do that I didn't know about?"
now lets see if the magic works...*makes a fist with the robotic glove on and it flares red with magic* hehehe
Yep but you dont know how yet sk you will turn into a pup now you two hop on
ehhh this is boooring -m- *plays a rubix cube while flying* lucky for me i pack this -w-
rabia in lighttale to also have a magic metal suit of armor...rabia was a princess who loved a dark lord...
oh crap i'm missing a piece!*opens a portal and goes through it*
but both became fighters one for good and did not want to kill anyone wanting to find another way and one who wanted to be the powerfulest...
and me...I'm just a scientist who makes life out of bits of dust and stuff oh and I make weapons...
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