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Sammy: if youre a goddess you shouldnt use a demons powers to be able to use.................................. powers.
(Which is currently Diacs)
You dont know what level of demons im refering to
Sammy: im saying you should be able to use your OWN powers without stealing them from demons.
They Gave me their powers by force
Sammy: *tosses scythe into a tree and sits on it*
Sammy: that makes no sense. like at all.
im only the goddess of fire because my father is the god of fire
Sammy: ...... that sounds a biiiit sexist.
Sammy: i might have heard that wrong.
more like inheiritence
Sammy: okay, so your dads a demon. i've never seen gods or goddesses other than me in hell if he lives or lived there.
...... no one here...
my fathers not a demon!
Sammy: *in shadow asriels mind: shut up already.*
Sammy: oh but by your logic he is.
no the demons are other people hes just a regular god
Sammy: gods aren't regular, and by your logic, i now see some better than others.
*turns around and starts walking away*

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23