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"Great for you?"

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A man named Diac Traded your soul to me for his
Sammy: *just killed sans* *presses that was easy button*
Your Great Prize , Is your own soul
And you are not alone in this , The Brown Haired girl , April i believe her soul was traded aswell
". . ."
Sammy: *just killed flowey and asgore* ..................... wait what now
You may leave and come as you please *a coin appears behind del* just flip the coin
heya guys)
". . .Alright then. . ." *He grabs the coin* (Hey.)
Sammy: ............... (hi)
(heya guys)
Sammy: weres the challenge, i killed everyone and no one cares
*Del is back in his house*
whoa! jack calm down man)
i just woke up)
*sensing killing going on* .. OH COME ON NOW!!? nope nope and nope i'm staying Exetior might attack so HECK NAW

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23