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(cause it sucks like donky *beep*)

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. . . (Fine then) *tps to her*
oh hell no *tp away also tping to another fight due to be sense with ruby beast flower*
(Back from unsaid, is Golden still on?)
Sammy: *after doing a genocide run in the universe everyones in if thats allowed*
*searches People
wow someone had fun
(Um I'm back
*no one can tp to her*
(Also, love how Mia ignored him saying like three times that she was alive)
*Doing something somewhere. :P*
i guess so
(hey can yall stop my murder spree i wanna use this line)
(May I join in some way?
*TPs To Mia Witou seeing her*
(I will in a minute sammy. And sure echo)
(if i do that ruby beast flower well rip people guts and fatal paps says no one can tp to mia)

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23