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ok *throw death by glamour at flower* recive!

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(*grabs it* thanks!)
(i'd choose a different one)
*goes to Mia and hugs her* So, you wanna go to the beach tomorrow?
(but that's just my opinion)
*Finishes eating and puts his plate in the kitchen, then walks into the training room*

*Del finishes eating and puts his plate up, then walks over to Ash* "So. . .what's my favorite maid drawing?"
Del: "So. . .*
hehe*shows him and its he and past*
you're welcome! *take out save the world keyblade*
"Heh. Looks good." Kisses her cheek*
(Azzy, how do you post pictures?)
tempus:*Tps to jack*heya jack
(ctrl + p)
use bbcode jack
heh sure baby
i feel like i'm missing something...
(What is the command?)


Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23