Like my first pokemon i can catch in ultra sun and moon was a shiny Zorua
*Grabs it, taping it to his gauntlet as a 6th reverse card* "No U." *Flicks Flower to the freaking sun with his overpowered gauntlet*
this was my second pokemon in my ultra sun and ultra moon play threw
*you see ungandan knuckles, big Chungus, dat boi, pepe and others come down in front of morgam* WE ARE ARE THE COUNCIL OF DEAD MEMES WE WIL BE TAKEING THAT GUANTLET AND REVERSE CARD
*sigh* "Fine." *Tosses the gauntlet at Ten, instantly returning everything to the RP*
(Question: What are the chances of any card being a shiny from a basic/DeltaRune pack?
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