Welp. That's a nope. Pap, you wanna rp, or wait for someone else to join too?
*wakes up and stretches* Ngh... still can't believe how good à
Mia:*was training all night in her garden and still is*
*goes to the kitchen and sees Mia isn't there* ... Where is she? *makes some breakfast sandwiches and tps to Mia, realizing she's at the garden when he appears outside* MIA!? CAN I COME IN!?
Mia:*the garden lets him in and she keeps fighting a copy of herself*
Asgore is Jack, Sans is Nexus, Toriel is Mia, the river person is flower https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vw64UJsEel4
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23