COME ON GUYS *to the rest of team exe and mia* WE GOTTA TELL PAPS QWEN LILY EVE AND ASH/future elizabeth:maybe me in this timeline cheers echo up
future flower:well yea since well echo in this time line did help team exe here sooo
i wish for my pow powers to be taken away to keep ones i care about safe*that means everyone in the chat but the bad guys also that doesnt mean april or past*
you now have 0 hp you can't be killed or even feel pain but all of your magic is boosted by x 10
《oh well shadow married with flower and she turned into a god of light now/shadow: ok ok ok now stop it for moment/kk》
*same*/elizabeth:*turn into a baby cub on flower* OWO ehheheheh me happ! ( CORRUPTED)
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23