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Mia:*throws fire balls at nexus*

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Mia:grrr*flyss faster and keeps throwing fire balls at him*
Mia:*her wings hair and tail lights on fire and a big ass wall of fire is beind her*OH YOU LIL SHIT!*flys agter him again anf keep throwing fireballs*
After *
Mia:*flys pass them and throws ice spears at him and the spears are also on fire*
Mia:*frezzes nexus and sets him on fire then hits him with a pan and with a bat*
Mia:*gets her scythe and slashes at him*GRRR
Mia:*grabs nexus by his neck and kicks him in the balls*
Mia:*gos chara mode and throws knifes at nexus*im going to kill him!!!!
Mia:get out of the way jack!
Qwen:*is beind jack*i got it*tps beind mia grabs her and tps to hell with her*mia:qwen!-
Qwen:*tps to jack*she calmed down now i also gave her a punishment you will like jack
Qwen:*whispers in flowers ear and tell her what she did to mia*i put her in a maid outfit and she cant take it off for 3 days
Qwen:are you ok flower?
Qwen:bc your eye pach and jacket are bleeding
Qwen:*is in flowers head:you do remember that I can read minds right?.....*
(Ya but she has to think it befor she says it)
Qwen:*gos into the other room and talks with mia*

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23