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Whenever you want to
i'm not gonna kill you
alright/exe:alright jack i gotta brb for quick i gotta speak to echo about this
i'm gonna make you never exist
*Runs back in* Ok im here
shes part ink demon she doesnt have a soul
*tps to his void arena*
*tp to echo* hey *to echo*
". . .So if I can get her a soul she'll be fine then, right?"
Maybe i could help
*tps to Jack **
hey exe i'll speak to you in a second
Im literally the Keeper of Souls
.... *noticed discord* ..uhhh oookay
i'm gonna erase a mistake i should've never made...
". . .If you could, I'd appreciate it."
! H-hey kids... Heh...
Flip the Coin
*his body turns rainbow as he floats in the air*

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23