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I'll probably just continue where I was.
Qwen:*pulls.mia into the room with jack*come on mia dont you want to see your husband?!/mia:*beind the door*NO IM NOT GOING OUT LIKE THIS!
Qwen:mia mcloughlin!!!get your ass in here now!!/mia:N O!!!
Qwen:>picks up mia and throws her in the room*/mia:is in a miaf outfit*OW qwen!!!!
Qwen:and she has to do what ere jack says for 3 days and she cant take it off
Mia:im so going to kill you qwen!/qwen:one no two im part vampire i cant die and bye*tps away*
Qwen:sorry i cant take the spell off she can onky take it off after 3 days
Qwen:nope now sho i have a.meeting in a few minutes
Mia:i fucking hate this!*shes still a lil pissed but this is a good time to get back at her for make jack a doll*
Mia:dont make me bite you jack
Mia:*gos over to him and kisses him*calm down jacky ...
Mia:lets juat hope the people we fight are not going to be perverts 😑😓
Mia:*sits on his lap*calm down😑
Mia:weren't you trying to calm me down earlier?

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23