I dont wanna be here that's it just let me sit here and go
*Change my diaper you sick fu-*Baby laughing Noises*
(so....heres Bracket.........Violet vs Red, Del Vs Jack (if Del is joining), April Vs Magnum, and the last one is.....(don't be mad at me Jack and Pap) Nexus vs Alex)
*sighs and sits down next to him* Kiddo, we just want to have some fun, and spend time with each other. That includes you.
*sighs* *tps beach cloths on him and goes in the water*
We don't want to leave you out bud. We want to spend time with you too. We almost never even see you guys around that much anymore...I
*Is fully clothed and in the water* I hate sand , Its rough corse and just gets everywhere
(sorry if I'm late...I just what he'd this new show called scissor seven...
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23