Mia:sure now go to tour room I'll be there in a minute ok?
Mia:ok...*gets up and gos to Alex's room*ready for your story? *smiles *
Mia:*sits by alex*now what story do you want me to tell you?
Mia:hehe well we meet when we were still part human in the underground we were in a group together with two other people
Mia:after we met nexus and the 3 of us lived together
Mia:few days more we came here with you and then some how i turned your father into a wolf
Mia:yep.....but im glad i met your father if i didnt i wouldn't be your mom and im hapoy being your mom your and your father are my quest heh *picks.him up and hugs him kisses him all over his face*i love you
Mia:*gos back to her and Jack's room*guess what story he asked to hear
Mia:nope i left that part out so he could still see you as a bad ass dad
Mia:heh*gos over to him and hugs him*here*puts a spell on him so he could see the story she told alex*there now you know the story too
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23