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*sighs while wiping her tears* how is this your problem
*vanishes and appears back at the cave and lays down on his bed and falls asleep*
because I can't just deal with zel and bates at
the same time)
. . .
here..*gives zel to viol* you watch hi *she disappers
*curled up in a ball crying
Nani the fuq,
hey zel. . .
h-hi viol...
zel is a idiot...
dont say that zel
Damn it... *Exetior vanishes* I can't stay awake for much longer. . . I need to get us home. . . *telepathically to Alex and Violet* Kids, I'm bringing mom and the baby home. Mom is asleep though. You can stay out, just be back by three in the morning, ok? I'll see you later. *tps to the Palace, puts the baby in her crib, and lays Mia in bed, allies and gets into bed next to her*
i know my mother , and if she forgave me for what ive done she'll forgive you too
I hope so*crys
please dont cry

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23