serene hugged back. She kind of relaxed and stopped shaking but, her grip did tighten around killure. She was still saying some stuff like "dont go" or "stay" but it was so faint he could barely hear her
*puts the food on the table again and washes the plate zel ate off of*
Killure gently kissed the top of serene's head "don't worry my dear angel, i'd never go away" he whispers, unsure if she could hear him but saying it for comfort nonetheless.
*goes over to and takes her place, making several things at once*
*teleports to mia and hugs them* zel thoght the words he said ment something else zel wanted o act smarter because zel allways knows nothing and zel is very very sorry *he crys a lot while hugging
GET OFF ME!*turns into her water chara form*
that caused serene to wake up. she looked up at killure with this tired look on her face. she turned around to face him and buried her face in his chest.
*flips around, nearly sending a pan flying into the air and pulls Zel away from her, his eye blazing with rage* What. Did. I. Say?
*she remains silent. guess its better if she shuts up*
*scoots closer to Echo and lays his head on her shoulder* i'm sorry..........
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23