and why are you guys talking about the ruins like its a old thing people still live in the underground you know..
Lisen I go through here alot so just let us go through l.l.p
and oh should know who's the main killer aound here...
Its literally called ruins and stop evesdropping
AND IM NOT I WAS RUNNING FRO- ...*bates peers around the corner grinning with dull black eyes* him..
Killure looked back at serene and glanced at the workbench for a second "it never really crossed my mind to mention it, anyway we should head downstairs before indigo bursts in here herself" killure chuckles
*points to a 3 story house on a hill* thats it
*tps to the front of the ruins (flower bed) ok this is were my friend normally is
oh rabia you know you could just handle me by ourself...oh wait your hald dead...maybe these two will be fun *he grins
Yea and he even has his own theme but it just randomly plays not like our dads
"...wait" she went up to him. the collar completely fell off. she was looking at him with this look...innocent She went near him, very very close...
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23