*walks up to her and smirks, then gives her neck a quick bite* From now on, I'm going to be a bit more... Forward, to get what I want.
asriel doesnt know what we are saying !)
((I don't know either and honestly i'mm too lazy to put it through google translate to understand
No she cant really walk....she just held killures hand tightly so she wouldnt fall. Damn she must be in quite the pain. In a good way though...plu, killure was getting free hand hugs xD
*gives her a wofish smile* Now come on love. I prefer to see your sexy body, so don't hide it under the jacket. *grabs her and kisses her*
(Can i just make Takeo the f*cking baby sitter for when Jack and Mia do something and forget the bby(
(one we didnt forget her shes sleeping! two thats fine)
*Sleeping with the baby in his arms whom is also sleeping*
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23