Killure gently leads serene into the kitchen, just like yesterday indigo was sitting and eating the cereal " Mornin' she greets but the thing is, there was another person here, a big burly man with blonde hair tied in a bun and and a bushy beard, his eyes were golden, he looked alot like killure just...less hot
(It makes sense in regards to the fact that the alternate Takeo raised the Alternate Viol)
She looked at the man and then back at killure. She has that questionable look on her face. Like she was asking him who is he?
"Killian! What a lovely surprise" the man exclaimed as he stood up, a smirk on his face "hello Octavius" killure greeted back with an eyeroll and a bored tone
((Brb gotta get a hex code for a better metallic color
*Wakes up and cleans their glasses and putting them on to swip forms*
Cosas como estas suceden todos los días para que no tenga que preocuparse...)
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23