oh wait back what i was doing *tp back for the search*/elizabeth:-3- i'l help shadow and flower set up there weddin sooo *tp away fast*/flower:GOD DAMN IT ELIZABETH *is now embarrassed*
*notices and know exactly what it's about* Mia... Come on. You know that wasn't true. Please stop trying to hide. . .
yeaa i hear what happened Zel told me and come on mia that ain't true
*tps to nexus* would you like grillbys to be a sponsor?
......*hugs back it seems shes acting the same way befor tbey left the underground *
*sighs* You guys mind coming back later? (Why?)
idk why zel thinks of that which it's rude tbh but ik that ain't true and alright sure *tp away*
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23