(anyone wanna pull out a villain oc? cause i'm bored)
(back and its Del Vs Jack first so yeah go tell him we are waiting on him)
(I'm lurking this chat, remember? Just like you, Jack, I know all.)
《unless he can rp in 2 chat at once》
(Hey, I'm not afraid of what's going on. I check both chats regularly. And they have been going at it for over ten fucking hours)
《this is 14th hour and 5th round》
(yup i pretty sure i might stop at 5th round i don't wanna go over bored so)
(Jack you did the same thing with mia)
( YEA IKR and man since when this became innocent there's heck loads of fights)
(You don't want to know, but mostly it was Jack's fault. *Points to Jack*)
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23