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by the way *you relize just now that her eyes are green and she winks at jack* You need to work on your aim

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(Remember this moment, people. Soundproof barriers are a must-have.)
Your legs must still be asleep *looks at ashly*
*thinking to himself "OH COME ON, THERE IS NO WAY! VIOLET, YOU BETTER NOT BE LISTENING TO MY THOUGHTS! . . . Please don't tell mom. . ." *
"...Y-yeah. That's it, Irene." *Mind: Oh thank f*cking goodness.*
". . . Or Alex for that matter either."
*winks again*
*her eyes turn back to brown*
God damnit. . . Why did she have to keep that aspect of her magic? *his entire face it tomato red*
*snaps and Ashlys legs are back in working order*
Oh thx
Im joking of course
Your own souls told me already
(Top Ten Anime Plot Twists)
sure alex what is it

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