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Mia:do you still have my scythe?
Mia:no keep it*puts a spell on it*there it will give you 80000 hp at and df
*tps away to get a restoration gem to regain the soul shatter back*
Mia:*gets her bow and arows and gos with flower*
Mia:this is going to be a pain in the ass..
Mia:hopefully he dies this time...
Mia:lets just get this over with...
Mia:*gos chara mode but she blue and black and not red and black*
(I guess I'll use my villain oc too)
Mia:*is with nightly befor corrin attacked*
Mia:what do i do nightly....
Mia:ok...thx nightly*hugs him*tou helped me a lot thank you
Mia:thx again i was wondering do you and team ex3 and to come with me to a party on hell
Mia:ok but its. In 3 days make sure to wear something demob loke i dont want any of you guys geting killrd by demons😅
Mia:well i gtg cya nightly

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23