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cause i cant hug you guys *pull del into the hug*
(ah yes reborn I forgot xD
(anyways imma join in as well things are intresting
((Good noon y'all, literally woke up 8 minutes ago
(I f*cking called it)
(cosmoooooo *hugs*
*look at his keyblade*
((Hi echo! *hugs back*
Well uh let's go there first yall ready?
(. . . I think Pap left. . .)
(Jack done goofed up
*flips the coin teleporting them back to the real world*
( I'm actually quite happy you are here an- oh....shit right emmm
(*commits die*)
((*confuzzlement 100*
(sorry back to you I em- had a problem and
Dont make a sound!

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23